Employee Safety

Employee Safety

Doing the Right Thing

Pruitt has always been committed to the safety of our employees.

At Pruitt “Doing the Right Thing” is more than just a slogan. It is a culture that we have carefully cultivated and one that we take very seriously. We have implemented processes, conducted task training and developed internal controls to help reduce risk potential for our employees, our neighbors and the environment. We believe that safety is everyone’s responsibility and every employee has the responsibility and authority to stop work he or she believes to be unsafe or unwise.

We recently implemented eCompliance as our HSE Management System. This change has enabled us to easily identify key trends using safety data collected from the front line. With this information we have fully implemented an HSE program that reinforces behavior-based safety, positive observations and employee recognition. With data-driven decision making and executive team support, Pruitt has a fully integrated, robust safety culture which has had an added benefit of elevating employee morale.

Professional Development

Professional Development

Employee Safety

We are in the early stages of incorporating the Principles of 6S into our corporate culture. It has always been our practice to provide any tool or piece of equipment necessary to perform every work task. Additionally, we have always provided ample storage and cabinet space and required that workspaces be maintained as cleanly as possible. However, by standardizing our tools and storage options and incorporating cleaning time into the work day, our work can be done in the most efficient manner possible. By utilizing the 6S methodology, we ensure the safety of our employees and that all employees are trained to the same standard.

A Better Workplace

A Better Workplace

Employee Safety

Here are a few key features of Pruitt’s HSE Management System:

  • Incident Management
    • Employees can easily and instantly report near misses, incidents, injuries, property damage, etc. from their computer and/or cell phone
  • Training Management
    • This tool ensures that employee training and certifications are tracked and monitored for compliance with internal guidelines and customer requirements
  • Reporting & Analytics
    • The system provides automated reporting of both leading and lagging indicators.
  • Audits & Inspections
    • By utilizing scheduled and ad hoc inspections, audits and checklists, we can instantly address corrective / preventative actions or deficiencies.
  • Hazard IDs & Observations
    • All work is pre-planned which allows for easy hazard identification and communication throughout the job.
  • Compliance Management
    • Front-line employees can access workplace policies and procedures from their phones from any location.
Life Saving Rules

Life Saving Rules

Employee Safety

Pruitt is actively using the IOGP Life-Saving Rules. The IOGP Life-Saving Rules are a set of nine simple and memorable actions that workers can use to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities. The rules were revised in 2018 to provide workers with a simplified set of actions that can prevent fatal incidents. The rules are as follows: Bypassing Safety Controls, Confined Space, Driving, Energy Isolation, Hot Work, Line of Fire, Safe Mechanical Lifting, Simultaneous Operations, and Work at Height. The rules are important for industry standardization and safety. To learn more, please click here.